Faxamine tablets


Product description


Faxamine tablets

If you have time, that people are by wind, a breeze in the spring or the consumption of a food, such as eggplant in trouble, sensitivity you, make sure you know how much the symptoms caused by it اذیتکننده are. Allergens to the material آلرژیزا it is said that in the case of contact with that of matter, the human body, histamine, to discharge it. The secretion of هیستامینها creates sensitivity and symptoms of disturbing it. Sure, in these cases, the name of the tablet fexofenadine have heard, but tablets fexofenadine for?

This medicinal product in a pharmaceutical company Kish مدیفارم brand pills فکسامین in doses of 60 mg., the 120 mg and 180 mg, and packs 30 numerical produced.

Tablets, fexofenadine, a model of the types of generation antihistamine 2) is that in order to treat the symptoms caused by the sensitivity of the mechanism, the effect of antagonistic selective receptors هیستامینی type 1 in different organs of the body, including the nose, ear and throat is. Of the merits of anti-هیستامینهای Generation 2 can be noted in these cases:

  • The effects of خوابآوری less: tablets, fexofenadine, according to the 2nd generation being anti هیستامینها for people who need to concentrate more during work on. very useful, because خوابآآاآوری a little with the.
  • Less drug interactions: the use of the medicinal product as regards the interference medicinal less creates for people who Drugs A lot during the day they use, etc. is appropriate. Also, it can be for older people, a better choice would be considered.
  • The effects of longer and longer life: the effect tablet فکسامین fexofenadine, even up to 24 hours may be persistent and usually a day, 1 time consumed.
  • Safer being for long-term consumption: according to the low side effects tablets fexofenadine., the drug suitable for long-term use is considered.
  • Better impact in a variety of آلرژیهای seasonal rhinitis: professionals use tablets فکسامین to people who are more sensitive are advised they are.

From types of generation antihistamine 2 can be used in addition to tablets, fexofenadine (tablet فکسامین), etc. loratadine, etc. سیتیریزین, etc. لووستیریزین and Loratadine named.

The benefits of tablet فکسامین (fexofenadine) and uses it

As previously announced we will then, pills فکسامین have the advantage and benefits of a lot, but the benefits of tablets fexofenadine fexofenadine and the uses of the prayers? Usually this medicinal product in order to reduce and treat the symptoms caused by these 3 items are: hives, chronic or Chronic Idiopathic Urticari, etc. seasonal allergies, chronic/ allergic rhinitis, chronic or Chronic Allergic Rhinitis, etc. seasonal allergies/ seasonal allergic rhinitis or Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis. The benefits of tablet fexofenadine (tablet فکسامین) in the treatment and reduce the symptoms of the following:

  • Itchy throat
  • Sneezing and coughing
  • Head, pain, and head گیجه
  • Signs and symptoms of Corona
  • Inflammation in the Create lymph
  • Runny, soreness, and nasal congestion
  • Difficulty in breathing and wheezing
  • Diarrhea and vomiting caused by the occurrence of allergies
  • Itching and tear planning of the eye, swelling of the eyelids
  • Fatigue, listlessness, etc. contusion and muscle cramps
  • Skin rashes such as hives, redness, swelling and inflammation of the skin
  • Stress, anxiety and depression come into existence due to حساسیتها

Tablet فکسامین Assassin مدیفارم one of the best solutions in order to provide relief and کاهشدهنده signs and symptoms caused by colds, etc., the flu, some gastrointestinal problems, etc. push the phone caused by sinusitis and Corona comes into account.

Contraindications tablets فکسامین

As mentioned, pills فکسامین by inhibiting the receptors 1 of the symptoms, there was the effect of sensitivity to prevent. In many cases, prescription pills fexofenadine Fexofenadine, the first choice of an expert is, but need to remember that always, this medicinal product are not suitable for all. In case of signs and symptoms of acute, such as shortness of breath and a pounding heart, immediately to the emergency department, please visit. Continue to, some contraindications tablets فکسامین to summarize we will pay:

  • People with occupations Sensitive Needs More Focus (driving, studying, and working with machinery)
  • Sensitivity to tablet fexofenadine and material non-active contained in this medicinal product
  • People with diseases, renal impairment, cardiac problems, diabetes, thyroid, and liver failure, acute
  • Persons with weak immune system, and problems such as AIDS, epilepsy, hepatitis,
  • People with a difficult history of glaucoma or glaucoma eye wide angle
  • Disorders, neurological problems and psychiatric
  • Some of the elderly with problems Corts
  • Children under the age of 6 years
  • Pregnant and lactating women
  • The problems of retention of urine

It should be noted, has been the people with the aforementioned conditions, the better, is always under the supervision of the specialist of the medications used. Likely, the treating physician, you pay attention to the current conditions that you have, drug replacement instead of pills فکسامین to recommend to you.

Side effects tablets fexofenadine or tablet فکسامین

Although the tablet فکسامین in order to improve the level of health of individuals is generated, but in some situations, there may be problems remains to be. Drug interactions, age, sex, conditions, fitness level and health of a person can be effective factors in the occurrence of these disorders poses come. Also, use more than the size of the recommended dose, etc. will definitely have problems in winning there. The most common side effects tablets fexofenadine continue briefly, the name of The بردهایم:

  • Fever and cough
  • Otitis media
  • Drowsiness
  • Shock, anaphylaxis
  • Inflammation of the ear, nose and throat
  • Head, pain, and head گیجه
  • Reactions, increase the sensitivity
  • Arrhythmia or an irregular beat of the heart
  • Dysmenorrhea and پریودیهای painful
  • Pain in the waist area., the back and muscles
  • Progress in the upper respiratory tract
  • Dysphoria, along with the incidence of تحریکپذیری
  • Disorder in the digestive system, and pain in the stomach area

Drug interactions tablets fexofenadine

One of the main causes for the occurrence of side effects of medications, drug interactions into account the Pops. This medical term means that in case of simultaneous use of 2 medication or medicine, along with material from the other. the person having problems remains is. These problems usually to reduce or increase the effectiveness of medications has led and can cause damage, serious they are. So Study Section, drug interactions tablets fexofenadine Fexofenadine is one of the most important parts of the brochure, it could be considered. We continue to try we have the most common drug interactions tablets فکسامین to summarize, we express:

  • Pain reliever ibuprofen
  • Drug carminative (سیمتیدین)
  • Hypnotic drugs (زولپیدم)
  • Anti-انعقادهای blood (warfarin)
  • Antiviral drugs (ritonavir)
  • Anti-Parkinson drugs (L-DOPA)
  • Vitamin C, etc. supplements of magnesium and calcium
  • Anti-fungi Azul (ketoconazole and ایتراکونازول)
  • Antidepressants three circle (ایمیپرامین)
  • Anti بیوتیکهایی (erythromycin and کلاریتروماسین)
  • Some anti-epileptic drugs (phenytoin and carbamazepine)
  • Some antidepressants (فلوکسیتین and paroxetine)


Common questions about tablets فکسامین

Our research that we had, etc., notice some uncertainties regarding the consumption of tablets فکسامین failed. In this section the response in the case of the most common questions regarding the intake of tablets fexofenadine Fexofenadine پرداختهایم:

Do tablets fexofenadine for colds useful?

Yes, since that time, the common cold, also هیستامینها secretion of metabolites. taking pills fexofenadine for colds is also useful to do.

Whether taking the pills fexofenadine for children prescribed it?

Tablets fexofenadine for children due to complications that are recommended and prescribed not, except just to distinguish the pediatrician, but likely the physician according to the diagnostic that shows syrup fexofenadine to infants and children recommend.

Do tablets fexofenadine for breast-feeding without risk?

Tablets fexofenadine for breast-feeding should be advised of the specialist consumed. Remember if pregnant, or are lactating or intend to pregnancy for you. in the period, the key of life, the brutality, and should not arbitrary, no drug consumption. Taking pills fexofenadine for during pregnancy, strictly also not recommended, because the risks are irreparable for the baby with the.

Tablet فکسامین for the treatment of lung problems, cough, prescribe it?

Taking pills fexofenadine in order to treat cough caused by allergies, it is recommended, but for lung problems, and cough due to other causes, usually the product prescribed is not. It is better before using any medication, the cause of the problems caused by the diagnosis, the treating physician, and make sure.

In case of simultaneous use of tablets فکسامین and alcohol side effects occur in?

Yes. Remember, most medications in case of simultaneous intake with alcohol problems they bring into existence, so no, the title of alcohol and its derivatives should not be associated with drug use. Since alcohol and pills fexofenadine both metabolize through the liver metabolites. makes going up a level every 2 substance in the blood, and side effects حادتری it will create.

If a dose of pills فکسامین do I do I, as soon as the reminder, use it for?

If a dose tablets fexofenadine fexofenadin will do disclosure. as soon as the reminder it is taking to see if the current consumption of the next dose near you. dose forgotten consumption, contact us and to schedule routine continue. As no compensation for دوزهایی that learn from you, two doses simultaneously not drink. Observing this issue for almost all drugs, is true.

Tablet فکسامین how much it takes time to effect it?

Usually, tablets, fexofenadine between 2 to 3 hours it takes time, so start to influence it. Better, this medication before the onset of symptoms, the sensitivity of the desire to be.

Taking pills fexofenadine Fexofenadine addictive?

No, this medicinal product the risk of dependence, along with no and you can, under the supervision of a physician to long-term treatment with tablets فکسامین to relieve the problems caused on the effect of allergies and sensitivity of pay.

Maintenance and how to consume tablets fexofenadine

Medications commonly referred to, different methods are maintained, but some of the tips for all the products, medicinal compliance is. Since that how to use tablets fexofenadine and its maintenance of the most important information that should be aware of, ETC. for a summary of some of the points that should be observed on the continued mentioned here:

  • Tablet فکسامین should be with a full glass of water be swallowed the medicinal product to نجویید and break it apart to refrain please.
  • According to property خوابآوری tablets fexofenadine, which is the better has been always at a specified time and 1 to 2 hours before bedtime, it is you desire. After taking not drive and do the things that need to concentrate, they have to avoid.
  • This medicinal product can be used along with the food or without it, and be consumed.
  • Dosage of tablets فکسامین just a doctor's diagnosis is done, but usually for adults is 60 mg is ultimately up to 180 mg per day can be increased. Over recommended size not taking what we have here.
  • Be sure, before starting the course of treatment with tablets fexofenadine Fexofenadine your physician of all medications, etc., supplements and plants that simultaneous consumption میفرمایید get notified.
  • Tablet فکسامین should be at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius away from light, the sun and the sun, to be kept.
  • From freezing, drug, and exposure to extreme heat, this product جددا refrain please.
  • All medications should be away from the reach of children and fall.
  • Try a box of medications and brochure inside, they will retain up to the time needed Re-study.


Tablet فکسامین brand tablets fexofenadine is in a pharmaceutical company Kish مدیفارم with doses of 60 mg., the 120 mg and 180 mg is produced. This medicinal product in order to soothe and treat symptoms caused by sensitivity and allergies, prescribed, and in drugstores across the country with affordable prices make and inexpensive, available to buy are. Tablets fexofenadine is an antihistamine 2nd generation to the account of the Pops, which have the benefits of such an effect, better next to the complications is less.

Attention to drug interactions, etc. side effects, created after taking the pill فکسامین the most important tips to the practices that you have to fully learn.

Keep in mind, these points in order to increase the awareness of the community of medicinal products and the introduction of the health benefits of tablets fexofenadine (tablet فکسامین Assassin مدیفارم) been declared. Certainly, the treating physician, with reviews and معایناتی that performs, it is possible to introduce the best solution therapy is. So follow the directions of the physician, the most important thing about taking medications is considered.

Additional information




120 mg, 180 mg, 60 mg





Product categories


Number in packaging

30 numerical




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