Review of the best burn ointment

The content of this article is merely to raise awareness of yours and in no way should be taken as professional advice or recommendations, specialized to be considered. Our goal is to provide general information and to help you in better understanding of various topics.

Most of us will experience burns of varying degrees throughout our lives, but what is the best way to treat each type of burn? How can you choose the best ointment for a burn? Burns are divided into 3 degrees of severity: 1st degree burns, 2nd degree burns, and 3rd degree burns. 1st degree burns are usually minor and small and do not require specialized treatment. Symptoms of this condition include discoloration of the skin surface and swelling.

Type 2 burns are usually accompanied by pain and blisters, and if prescribed by a specialist, the best burn ointment and the best burn cream can be used. This condition is finally completely healed after 1 to 3 weeks and does not leave a swollen or raised mark on the skin.

Third-degree burns are the worst type of burn, turning the skin gray and black and possibly even reaching the bones, tendons, and muscles. Third-degree burns are the only type that can damage nerve endings. This type of burn can cause infections and cannot be treated with creams or the best ointments for burns, but requires surgery. Be sure to get to a specialized hospital immediately for this type of burn.

All three types of burns involve damage to the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. Damage to the dermis occurs in second- and third-degree burns.

Burns are divided into 3 degrees in terms of severity, the best ointment for burns is used for degrees 1 and 2. In 3rd degree burns, surgery may be required as recommended by a doctor.

Features of the best ointment for burns

An ointment for burns should have features that, in addition to its therapeutic properties, do not have any unwanted side effects or problems. We will now discuss the medicinal properties of this product and how it can be chosen as the best burn ointment. It should be noted that not all of these features will be present in one product.

  • Contains aloe vera, vitamin E, anti-inflammatory ingredients such as chamomile, green tea oil, natural honey, coconut oil, lavender oil, calendula oil, beeswax, rosehip oil, oat oil, bay leaf extract and collagen in its structure.
  • Approved by the Food and Drug Administration, has the necessary licenses from relevant organizations, approval by experts, and positive consumer reviews.
  • Protects the skin from further damage caused by repeated and prolonged use of the product
  • No interaction with other medications when taken orally or topically, and no other problems with the use of ointments or creams.
  • Antifungal, anti-itch, disinfectant, antibiotic and antiviral with antioxidant, soothing, moisturizing and waterproof properties.
  • Non-sticky and can be easily removed from the skin surface, without causing problems or peeling of the skin.
  • Free from artificial colors, fragrances, dyes, parabens, harmful and dangerous chemicals in its ingredients.
  • Flexible for use with a variety of bandages and dressings recommended by the specialist
  • Can be used for all ages without restrictions (children and adults)
  • Having a light, gentle and non-greasy texture
  • Does not cause stains or sensitivity
  • Compatibility with the type of burn
  • Fast absorption and effectiveness
  • Reasonable and affordable price
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Trusted brand

The best ointment for burns usually has specific properties, including antifungal, anti-itch, antiseptic, antibiotic, and antiviral.

15 different types of the best burn ointments and creams

Usually, experts recommend the best cream for 1st and 2nd degree burns and various ointments compatible with your type of burn instead of other oral treatments. In some cases, combined treatments are prescribed, meaning that in addition to using ointments and creams topically, oral medications are also recommended. In general, the best burn ointments contain antibiotic compounds and also prevent infections. Below are some of the most common and types of the best ointments for burns:

  1. Silver sulfadiazine ointment
  2. Sodium hyaluronate ointment
  3. Mefenamide acetate ointment
  4. Hydrocortisone ointment
  5. Alpha Burn Ointment
  6. Ointment Zinc oxide
  7. Polysporin ointment
  8. Nitrofurazone ointment
  9. Mupirocin ointment
  10. Lidocaine ointment
  11. Dibucaine ointment
  12. Benzocaine ointment
  13. Calendula ointment
  14. Aloe vera ointment

Among the 14 best ointments for burns, calendula ointment, zinc oxide ointment, and silver sulfadiazine ointment are the most commonly used. Below, we will explain in more detail the features of these 3 practical products.

Calendula ointment is the best ointment for burns.

This product is made from the orange petals of the calendula plant and has been used as a medicine to treat wounds since ancient Egypt and Greece. Also, in our beloved country, this medicinal plant has long been used in a traditional way to relieve wounds, burns, and itching. The calendula plant contains effective substances from the carotenoids, flavonoids, saponosides, celandine, tannins, and mucilage categories and is applied topically to the skin. Kish Medipharm Calendula Ointment has anti-inflammatory and restorative effects.

Calendula ointment, as one of the best ointments for burns, has the following properties:

  • Painkiller
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Repairer
  • Moisturizer
  • Antiseptic

The uses of calendula ointment are very wide due to its special properties. This ointment is used to treat the following conditions:

  • Treating and improving acne
  • Reduce psoriasis
  • Treatment of athlete's foot
  • Surgical scar reduction
  • Insect bite relief
  • Soothes and heals burns
  • Reduces redness, inflammation, and dryness of the skin
  • Treatment of superficial wounds and minor cuts
  • Helps treat and prevent fungal infections
  • The best ointment for mild 1st and 2nd degree burns
  • Reducing burning and redness caused by urine in children
  • Improves eczema, contact dermatitis, and skin rashes
  • Pain relief for sunburn and its treatment
  • Eliminates skin cracks by having moisturizing and hydrating properties
  • Protecting the skin from natural factors such as cold, frostbite, and sunburn

Remember, although calendula ointment is considered the best burn ointment, it is not suitable for every condition and for every person and should be recommended or prescribed by a specialist doctor or pharmacist. This product is not used on deep wounds and severe burns, and it should not come into contact with the eyes, mouth, and nose. Kish Medipharm Calendula Ointment is one of the unique products in this collection, which is produced in a 2% dose as an ointment in a tube. This product has a very reasonable price and is considered the best ointment for burns by experts.

In addition to the positive effects we mentioned, calendula ointment can cause unwanted problems (side effects). Of course, it depends on your physical health conditions, but the most common side effects that have been reported to date from using calendula ointment as the best ointment for burns are the following:

  • Head, pain, and head گیجه
  • Feeling nauseated and vomiting
  • Bumps, swelling, and blisters on the skin surface
  • Photosensitivity, or sensitivity to sunlight exposure
  • Dryness, burning, itching, inflammation, and pain where this medicine is used

If you experience any serious side effects after using calendula ointment, be sure to see a specialist immediately. Before using, be sure to read the leaflet inside the box carefully and remember that this product may interact with the following medications:

  • Anticoagulants such as warfarin
  • Some medications used during chemotherapy treatment
  • By lowering blood sugar levels, it can cause interactions with diabetic medications.

Silver sulfadiazine ointment is one of the best types of burn ointments.

One of the best types of burn ointments is silver sulfadiazine ointment. This product, with its properties, prevents infection and the growth of bacteria on the skin surface. Silver sulfadiazine ointment includes unique properties and characteristics, including the following:

  • Analgesic, antiparasitic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiallergic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory
  • Fast-acting, deep absorption, easy to use, no prescription required
  • Widely used and can be used for a wide range of skin types
  • Cooling, restorative, moisturizing
  • Cheap and completely affordable
  • Approved by the Food and Drug Administration
  • Available and easy to buy
  • Has a long-lasting effect

This medicinal product is the best ointment for 2nd and 3rd degree burns, prescribed by specialists along with systemic treatments. Apply this medicine topically to the skin surface 2 to 3 times a day and cover it with a suitable bandage (sterile gauze and gelatin bandage). Silver sulfadiazine ointment should not come into contact with your eyes, mouth, and nose. This product is also recommended for the treatment of skin infections, and other uses of this medicine include the following:

  • Healing wounds caused by 2nd and 3rd degree burns caused by electricity, chemicals, and heat
  • Soothes wounds caused by diabetes
  • Reducing inflammation and soothing wounds such as bedsores
  • Treatment of infections caused by burns
  • Treating eczema and infected wounds
  • Improvement of parasitic infection (gall)

Remember that this ointment should not be used during pregnancy, especially in the last 3 months. Also, silver sulfadiazine ointment is used for children with a doctor's prescription. Although this medicinal product is considered one of the best choices for burn ointments, it may have the following side effects:

  • Itching, burning, and inflammation of the skin
  • Kidney failure (if used for a long time)
  • Disturbance in the levels of potassium, sodium, and calcium in the body's blood
  • Weakening of the immune system (if used long-term)
  • Skin discoloration to blue and gray shades (short-term)

Drug interactions mean that when two or more drugs are taken together, their effects on each other change. These changes can result in an increase or decrease in the effectiveness of each of the drugs taken or in the development of new side effects. Silver sulfadiazine ointment can interact with the following drugs:

  • Some chemotherapy drugs
  • Oral anticoagulants, such as warfarin
  • Reduced effectiveness of diabetes medications such as metformin
  • Medications such as phenytoin and other anticonvulsants

Zinc oxide ointment is the best ointment for facial burns.

Another one of the best ointments for burns is Kish Medipharm Zinc Oxide Ointment. This medicine is produced in a 25% dose in a tube and can be purchased in pharmacies across the country. Zinc oxide creates a physical barrier against the penetration of harmful sunlight. It also has astringent, protective, and antiseptic effects on the skin. This medicine also has antibacterial effects by reducing the pH to some extent and is prescribed by specialists as the best ointment for facial burns.

Overall, Kish Medipharm Zinc Oxide Ointment can be considered the best ointment for facial burns, especially if the burn is mild and minor, but you should use it with caution and under the supervision of a doctor. The skin on the face is usually more sensitive than the rest of the body, so if there is any irritation, redness, or inflammation, stop using the ointment and consult a doctor. The salient features of Zinc Oxide Ointment are the following:

  • Completely organic
  • Reasonable and cheap price
  • Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic
  • Versatile use for skin problems
  • Long-lasting effect and proper penetration
  • Compatibility with all skin types if there is no allergy to its ingredients
  • Available in pharmacies across the country and can be purchased without a prescription.

As we announced, one of the features of zinc oxide product is its compatibility with all skin types, of course, you should make sure that you are not allergic to its raw materials before using it. Using topical products requires a sensitivity test, which involves rubbing a small amount of the medicine on a small area of skin, such as on the hand or wrist. If there is no inflammation or redness, it means there is no allergy.

If you have had laser skin resurfacing, zinc oxide ointment has definitely been recommended to you as the best ointment for burns. This product has a variety of uses, some of which we will mention below:

  • Treating some acne scars
  • Treating and improving pimples and acne
  • Skin care for babies and children
  • Soothing some types of diabetic ulcers
  • The best ointment for treating first and second degree burns
  • Treating swelling and redness caused by skin infections
  • Improves itching and inflammation caused by psoriasis and eczema
  • Painkiller for skin rashes caused by inflammation
  • Reducing the risk of infection in all types of open wounds and burns
  • Improving sensitivity caused by skin allergies
  • Use as the best burn ointment after laser skin treatment
  • Protecting the skin from urine and feces retention, especially in children
  • Treating blisters and inflammation caused by problems such as bedsores and pressure sores
  • Soothes redness and inflammation caused by eczema, some insect bites, and sunburns.
  • Treating inflammation and redness caused by contact with dust, air pollution, and other environmental pollutants
  • Treatment of pigment changes and skin spots caused by exposure to chemicals or various types of environmental pollution
  • Treatment of skin rashes caused by sensitivity and allergies to ingredients in cosmetic products
  • A solution for treating skin problems during chemotherapy, people with immunodeficiency diseases (AIDS and hepatitis), diabetes, liver and kidney problems

Zinc oxide ointment is one of the best types of ointment recommended for burns, but it may unintentionally cause mild side effects such as skin irritation, burning, itching, discoloration, inflammation, and superficial staining of the skin. This medicinal product can cause drug interactions with some oral antibiotics, including tetracycline and ciprofloxacin.

Kish Medipharm Zinc Oxide Ointment, Silver Sulfadiazine Ointment, and Kish Medipharm Calendula Ointment are three of the best ointments for burns that are prescribed by many specialists.

How to use zinc oxide ointment as the best ointment for burns

How to use zinc oxide ointment is one of the most common questions that people who visit the pharmacy ask the pharmacist when they have burns. Here, we will fully explain how to use Kish Medipharm Zinc Oxide Ointment as the best ointment for burns:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after using zinc oxide ointment.
  • Gently wash the damaged and burned area with the serum and pat dry.
  • Apply Medipharm Zinc Oxide Ointment 3 to 4 times daily and cover with a special and appropriate dressing (sterile gauze and gelatin gauze) if recommended by your doctor. Do not forget that this product should not be covered with an impervious covering such as plastic.
  • Apply Medipharm Zinc Oxide Ointment thinly and evenly to the burn. Do not apply too much.
  • Change the dressing daily and reapply the ointment. This will provide pain relief and faster healing.

If Burn If you develop an infection, redness, or acute inflammation, see a specialist as soon as possible. It should be noted that although zinc oxide ointment is considered the best burn ointment, it is only intended to be used to treat and relieve minor burns and injuries, and this product is not recommended for the treatment of third-degree burns. In case of acute complications and worsening symptoms, including inflammation and swelling, redness, or discharge from the burn site, see a doctor immediately and avoid self-treatment.

Improper use of zinc oxide ointment, such as overuse, can cause infection and delay wound healing.


Burns are one of the problems that people are likely to experience many times during their lives. Burns are divided into 3 degrees in terms of the severity of damage to the layers of the skin. 1st and 2nd degree burns are usually more superficial and are prescribed by specialists with combined treatments including systemic and topical medications. Topical treatments can include the best ointment for burns.

These ointments usually have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and should be appropriate for the type of burn. The best types of burn ointments include zinc oxide ointment, calendula ointment, and silver sulfadiazine ointment.

It should be noted that the items mentioned above are intended solely to raise public awareness and will definitely not replace the prescriptions of your physician.


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Review of the best burn ointment

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