Sore throat is one of the most common problems that every person may experience over and over again for various reasons throughout their lives. But what are the real causes of this condition? If we experience this problem, what pills should we take for a sore throat? Are there any home remedies to treat this problem?
In order to apply treatment and medication for severe sore throat, it is best to first examine and identify the cause or causes of this physical problem. Although usually an itching and burning sensation in the throat may not be a dangerous symptom, if it is chronic or aggravated, you should definitely see a specialist immediately. In this article, we will examine the methods of treating sore throat and burning throat.
Identifying the cause of a sore throat is the first step in prescribing medication for a sore throat.
Sore throats are divided into 3 categories based on the specific part that occurs: pharyngitis (swelling and pain in the throat), laryngitis (swelling, redness, and hoarseness), and tonsillitis (swelling and redness of the tonsils and soft tissue at the back of the mouth). The choice of medication for a severe sore throat depends on other factors that occur with it. Other problems include difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, sneezing, runny nose and congestion, swollen lymph nodes and neck, stomach pain, headache and body aches, fever and chills, which can also be a sign of another disease.
As you know, to treat any disease or health problem, the cause must first be identified. Below, we will discuss some of the factors that cause a sore throat and an itchy throat.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Throat and mouth abscesses
- Tobacco use, including cigarettes and hookahs
- Fungal infections in the mouth and throat area
- Irritants
- Polluted and dry air
- Thyroid disorders (thyroiditis and thyroid inflammation, nodules and tumors, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, acute thyroiditis, autoimmune or Hashimoto's thyroiditis, goiter)
- Viral infections (colds, shingles, adenoviruses, herpes simplex virus, respiratory syncytial virus, mumps, coronavirus, measles and chickenpox, and influenza)
- Allergens (pet hair, dust, chemicals, melons, eggplant, some sprays and air fresheners)
- Bacterial infections (streptococcal pharyngitis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Haemophilus influenzae, Borrelia vincentii, gonococcus, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae)
In many cases, sore throats caused by viruses will go away on their own, but sore throats caused by bacteria will require the use of antibiotics. People with the following conditions are more likely to experience a sore throat:
- Children are usually more prone to sore throats.
- People who experience working in environments with polluted air.
Types of treatments and medications for sore throats
In order to Pain reliefFor mild to moderate sore throats (if there is no underlying medical problem), home remedies and medication are usually recommended. Home remedies usually involve following hygiene tips, drinking and eating healthy foods, and medication for a sore throat usually depends on the cause of the disease and can include antihistamines, antibiotics, etc. Below, we will discuss in detail home remedies to reduce and eliminate a sore throat and what pills to take for a sore throat.
Preparing medicine for sore throat at home
In the minds of many people, when it comes to treatment, they only think of medication, but home remedies are one of the best home remedies. This type of health care is not only inexpensive, but also has few complications and is available. You can easily prepare a medicine for your sore throat at home and take it continuously until you recover. Among the types of medicine for severe sore throat, one of the following is used:
- Peppermint
- Tea and honey
- Hot shower
- Lozenges
- Consuming soft foods
- Milk and turmeric mixture
- Keeping the air humid
- Gargling with salt water or lukewarm water
- Gargle with lukewarm water and apple cider vinegar
- Gargle with salt water and baking soda
- Oral and dental hygiene care
- Light soups, including chicken soup
- Incense and inhale eucalyptus or chamomile.
- Getting enough rest and sleep during illness
- Drink a glass of lemon and honey water every 4 hours.
- Sucking on a clove of garlic or using this magical ingredient in cooking
- Herbal teas such as chamomile, ginger, fenugreek, thyme, tulsi, mint, and marshmallow root
Drug therapy and introduction of medication for severe sore throat
Drug therapy is usually one of the most common treatment methods. We explained earlier that the answer to the question of what pills to take for a sore throat? First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of this condition. After identifying the cause, you can try home remedies and medications, according to the advice of a doctor or pharmacist. Next, we will examine the types of medications for severe sore throat:
- Antihistamines: If your sore throat is caused by allergy triggers and allergens, taking loratadine, cetirizine, and fexofenadine can be considered a sore throat medication.
- Cough syrups: If you have a cough accompanied by an itchy throat, using dextromethorphan and guaifenesin syrups is one of the best choices for severe sore throats.
- Lozenges: What tablets should we take for a sore throat if this condition is caused by an infection? Tablets containing chlorhexidine, which is a suitable disinfectant, can be a good solution. Also herbal remedies (including Altadin)
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories: If your sore throat is caused by a viral illness, take Megafan Flow and Megafan Cuff Cold It is considered one of the first choices of specialists as a medicine for sore throat. These medicines, with their strong formulation, are almost very good at relieving mild to moderate pain caused by colds and flu, reducing fever, relieving sore throat and itching in the throat area. In the following, we will examine important points about Megafen Flu and Megafen Cough Cold.
Antihistamines, cough syrups, lozenges, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories such as Megafen Flu and Megafen Cough Cold are among the types of medications for severe sore throats.
Megafenflu, a medicine for severe sore throat
Megafen Flu, which is considered one of the best tablets in the Megafen drug portfolio, is made from 500 mg of acetaminophen and 10 mg of phenylephrine hydrochloride. If you have a cold or flu and its symptoms include itching and inflammation in the throat area, experts recommend Megafen Flu as a medicine for sore throat.
The acetaminophen in Megafenflur relieves pain, fever, and headaches with few side effects and is highly effective. Using acetaminophen in Megafenflur can be a medicine for sore throats and reduce inflammation caused by colds and flu.
The phenylephrine in this medicine can help to reduce the secretions that cause congestion in the throat and nose. This medicine works by constricting blood vessels, thereby reducing blood flow to the inflamed areas, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation.
It should be noted that the Megafen basket includes many drugs to reduce mild, moderate and severe pain. Megafen Flu is one of the drugs in this basket, which contains phenylephrine, a pain reliever for flu-related pain. The combination of phenylephrine and acetaminophen can help reduce other problems in addition to being a medicine for sore throats. This drug can be considered a pain reliever for other pains due to the presence of acetaminophen in its composition. Types of pain that are improved with this drug:
- Inflammation of the throat mucosa (due to the presence of phenylephrine)
- Headache and neck pain (due to acetaminophen)
- Nerve pain such as neuropathic (presence of acetaminophen)
- Seasonal allergies (due to the use of phenylephrine in drug formulations)
- Muscle and bone pain (presence of acetaminophen 500 mg in Megafenflur ingredients)
- Dysmenorrhea, period pain or menstrual cramps (containing acetaminophen in this medicine)
Megafen Cough Cold is a medicine for sore throat with a unique formulation.
Megafen Cough Cold is formulated by the best experts and contains 325 mg of acetaminophen, 5 mg of phenylephrine, 15 mg of dextromethorphan, and 200 mg of guaifenesin. This product is also considered a medicine for sore throat and can treat fever, pain, and dry, phlegmy cough with its ingredients.
The presence of dextromethorphan in the ingredients of Megafen Cold Cough eliminates dry coughs that lead to sore throats and is considered a kind of medicine for sore throats.
The phenylephrine used in Megafen Cough Cold is a decongestant that acts on alpha-1 adrenergic receptors. Reducing congestion, mucus production, and inflammation in the throat are among the functions of phenylephrine in this pharmaceutical product and it is prescribed as a medicine for severe sore throat.
Guaifenesin is an expectorant and relieves the disease by separating secretions from the trachea and bronchi in the form of phlegm. However, the presence of acetaminophen, which is the mainstay of the entire Megafen portfolio, is considered a pain reliever and antipyretic.
Although Megafen Cough Cold is considered a medicine for severe sore throats, it can also help relieve the following pains, thanks to its unique ingredients:
- Anti-inflammatory for muscle and bone pain
- Headaches and migraines due to excessive coughing
- Respiratory infections and allergies
Although most sore throats will go away on their own or can be treated with simple home remedies, in some cases, the condition is caused by another condition and should be taken seriously. If you do not feel better after trying the above and taking the medications prescribed by your doctor and you experience any of the following, see a specialist or emergency room immediately.
- Excessive sweating
- Severe difficulty swallowing
- Fever above 38 degrees
- Bleeding in the throat and gums
- No improvement after 7 days
- Presence of blood or phlegm in the saliva
- Severe swelling and inflammation in the throat and tongue
- Discharge and abnormal discharge from the ear
- Severe body aches and acute muscle pains
- Respiratory problems, wheezing, and shortness of breath
Frequently asked questions about itchy throat and sore throat medicine
The above points were general ones that were stated to increase information and help you, my dear ones. Through our research, we have come across the most common questions about sore throat medications and how to use them, and we will answer some of these questions below:
What are the best types of medicine for a sore throat?
To recommend the best medications, the cause of the condition must first be determined, and the problems that arise in the throat area may be due to a viral or bacterial disease, oral or dental problems, etc. Certainly, prescribing medication for a sore throat in a situation where there are dental problems is different from the recommendation when you have a viral disease. Therefore, prescribing the best medication for a sore throat will only depend on the diagnosis of your doctor and the cause of this condition.
Is it safe to take medicine for a sore throat during pregnancy?
You should remember that if you are planning to get pregnant, are pregnant or breastfeeding, you are in a very important stage of your life and that of another person. It is better to use any medication under the supervision of your specialist and treating physician. Simply using medicine for a sore throat arbitrarily cannot be a useful solution at this stage of your life and may, despite its seeming simplicity, lead to irreparable problems. Therefore, following the doctor's instructions and reading the brochures inside the medicine box are very important.
Does taking medicine for a sore throat cause complications or drug interactions?
Although the production of medicines is done to help the human race, you should remember that every medicine, in addition to its advantages, can interfere with the simultaneous use of another medicine or cause problems. Types of medicines for sore throat are no exception to this rule and are prescribed by a specialist according to physical conditions, age, medication use, and severity of the disease.
Itching, burning, and pain in the throat can be a sign of an underlying condition or simply a cold or flu. To find the best medicine for a sore throat, it is necessary to first identify the cause of this condition and take medical advice accordingly. If the cause of this problem is simple, you can prepare a medicine for a sore throat at home using home remedies. If the cause of the sore throat is a viral or bacterial disease, the medicine for a severe sore throat is usually an antibiotic and one of the Megafen pain relievers, such as Megafen Flu and Megafen Cough Cold.
You should take all illnesses seriously if they are prolonged or severe, as they may indicate an underlying problem or, if left untreated, could lead to a more serious illness. For example, if strep throat is not treated, it can lead to pneumonia, bronchitis, or rheumatic fever.
Remember, the above items are intended solely to raise public awareness and are in no way a substitute for a diagnosis from a specialist.