What is acne? What causes facial acne?

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The answer to the question of what is acne? It is one of the important issues that is usually the responsibility of a dermatologist to explain. Kish Medipharm Pharmaceutical Group, with its human capital in this field, has been able to provide many therapeutic solutions in the field of skin care. In other words, acne is one of the most common and widespread skin diseases that causes various types of pimples due to the blockage of skin pores.

Acne, also known scientifically as acne vulgaris, is a skin condition that manifests as blackheads, whiteheads, and other types of pimples that usually appear on the shoulders, upper arms, chest, neck, face, lower back, and chest.

 There is no denying that acne, in addition to the pain it can cause, can also cause low self-confidence and even depression. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of acne, below we have discussed some of the most common symptoms of acne.

Signs and symptoms of acne

The signs and symptoms of acne can vary from person to person depending on skin type and cause, but in general, the following are some of the symptoms of acne:

  • Skin discoloration and prominence in white, black, pink, and red
  • The bumps that form are pus-filled and sometimes painful.
  • Having inflammation and bumps at the acne spot

What are the types of triggers and causes of acne?

It may seem like the cause of acne is just a lack of attention to skin cleansing, but in fact, the most common cause of acne is biological factors that occur under the skin. When the glands (sebaceous glands) produce too much sebum and this sebum (fat) combines with dead skin cells and blocks the follicle (pores), acne is formed during this process. If you want to know what causes acne? It is better to continue reading this article.

  1. Hormonal acne They may be the answer to the question of what causes acne. This type of acne is one of the most common, in adolescents, increased levels of the hormone testosterone can be the cause of this type of acne. Given that the glands are sensitive to hormones, after the increase in the hormone testosterone, the glands also produce sebum (fat) increasingly.
  2. Hereditary acne, are other factors that cause acne, and it is very likely that if your parents have adult acne, you will also have this type of acne as an adult. Perhaps the answer to the question of what causes acne? is the heredity that has passed down to you.
  3. Considering that Women during menstruation, the first trimester of pregnancy, and disorders including polycystic ovary syndrome They experience more hormonal changes, making acne more likely to develop during this period.
  4. Maybe the answer to the question of what causes acne lies within you. Using all types of tobacco, including cigarettes and hookahs, not getting enough sleep, and having
  5. Weather with high humidity and sweating.
  6. Heavy makeup and coatings that prevent air from reaching the surface of skin cells.
  7. Steroid medications, antidepressants Such as lithium, nitoin, isoniazid, and some other medications can cause acne.
  8. Stress and anxiety Other factors that can cause or worsen acne include: Anxiety can increase the production of the steroid hormone cortisol, which indirectly increases the production of oil in the skin.
  9. Demodex skin parasites They are also factors that cause acne on the face and body, which can be treated with special methods and treatment based on diagnosing the cause.

What causes facial acne?

You may also be wondering what causes facial acne? And why does only my face get acne? The cause of facial acne can be the contamination of the cosmetic and health products you use. Some skin cleansers, moisturizers, and creams that have a high oil content in their ingredients can also be a type of acne cause.

Now that you know what causes facial acne, are you thinking about cleansing and changing your cosmetic and hygiene products? In addition, bacteria live on the surface of the skin, and if the follicular space is blocked, the amount of these bacteria increases and leads to acne.

What are the types of acne and the symptoms of acne?

By knowing the answers to these questions, what causes acne? Now you should be able to prevent some acne, especially those caused by unclean skin hygiene products. As we said earlier, not all acne is caused by lack of hygiene, but can have other causes that result in one of the following acne. It should be noted that acne is divided into three categories based on its severity: mild, moderate, and severe.

Acne is divided into two main categories: inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

  1. Non-inflammatory acne (comedones)
  2. Inflammatory acne (papules and pustules, nodules and cysts)
    • Blackheads or open comedonesBlackheads are a type of acne that occurs on the surface of the skin and are considered a mild form of acne. One of the symptoms of blackhead acne is its black appearance.
    • Whiteheads, closed comedonesThese are acne that develop beneath the surface of the skin and are classified as mild acne.
    • Papule, are another type of acne that is caused by inflamed hair follicles. The symptoms of papular acne are pink or red in color, these acne are usually infected and are considered moderate acne.
    • Pustule, is another inflamed pimple that looks like a cross between a papule and a whitehead. Symptoms of pustular acne can be white or yellow, and there is usually a red, inflamed ring around the pustule. In addition, this type of acne has pus at the tip. If these acnes are drained, there is a possibility of scarring and acne marks.
    • NoduleNodules are inflamed pimples that do not go away with initial treatment and are usually treated with prescription medications. Symptoms of acne include hard, painful nodules and are considered severe acne.
    • Cysts, large, painful, inflamed acne They may cause scarring and contain a lot of pus. Another symptom of cystic acne is that it is deep.
    • Acne conglobataIt is a type of acne that usually occurs in men, consisting of a cluster of subcutaneous nodules. This type of acne is one of the most severe types of acne, usually caused by excessive use of testosterone and steroids.

One of the most common ways to recognize acne symptoms is by looking at the skin. There are different types of acne. Blackheads and whiteheads are the mildest types of acne. Papules and pustules are considered mild to moderate acne, while nodules and cysts are considered severe acne, each of which can have different treatments.

Acne treatment

Acne treatment is done through two methods: systemic treatment and topical treatment, of course, determining the appropriate solution depends on factors such as age, diet, medications used, and severity and type of acne. Topical treatments are usually used to eliminate and reduce mild to moderate acne such as blackheads, whiteheads, papules, and pustules, which require examining the symptoms of acne to recognize.

Topical acne treatment

In treating mild to moderate acne symptoms, it is possible to use ointments and creams alone. One way to treat acne is to use antimicrobial and retinoid gels and creams, which usually contain salicylic acid, tretinoin, sulfur, and benzoyl acid. Benzoyl acid dries out the pimple. Mild acne can usually be relieved with over-the-counter medications within 8 weeks.

Acnemis topical gel is one of the most trusted and trusted skin products among dermatologists. This product is also known as emergency acne treatment among the general public with its ingredients of clindamycin and tretinoin. This product is a suitable treatment for eliminating the symptoms of mild to moderate acne and can also treat severe acne if used in conjunction with systemic treatments.

It should be noted that the use of Acnemis should be under the supervision of a specialist and, due to its vitamin A derivative (tretinoin) components, it is not recommended for pregnant women.

Systemic acne treatment

These types of treatments can be done along with taking pills, as diagnosed by a specialist. It is enough to know what acne is? And what are the symptoms of severe acne. Systemic treatment can be done by taking some antibiotics such as erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline.

Severe acne symptoms can also be treated with oral isotretinoin, the brand name of which is Roaccutane, which, like tretinoin, is a derivative of vitamin A. This type of treatment is only prescribed by a specialist when other treatments have failed. Other treatments for acne or its replacement include photodynamic or laser therapy, dermabrasion, or peeling.

Medications containing tretinoin pose serious risks to unborn babies and can cause birth defects, as well as miscarriage. If you are planning to become pregnant, be sure to consult your doctor before continuing your acne treatment.

In some cases, if the specialist diagnoses severe acne symptoms, he or she may inject corticosteroids directly into the nodules and cysts to reduce inflammation.

After identifying the type of acne and its symptoms, your dermatologist can recommend a topical treatment, systemic treatment, or a combination of the two to improve your acne. Topical treatments are usually used to treat mild to moderate acne, and one of the best acne treatment gels is Acnemis. Systemic treatment can be used in conjunction with topical treatment to treat moderate to severe acne.

7 effective ways to prevent acne

After answering the question of what causes acne, we move on to the question of what we can do to prevent acne from forming on the skin. Below, we will discuss 7 easy and effective ways to prevent acne.

  1. Avoiding smoking, alcohol, and getting enough sleep are the main ways to prevent acne. Having a proper diet that is not high in sugar can give you smoother skin, in addition to maintaining the health of other organs in the body.
  2. Using exfoliants sparingly is another way to prevent acne, because if your skin is overexfoliated, it starts to produce excess oil. Excess oil production can itself be a cause of acne.
  3. Since stress is one of the causes of acne, you can prevent these skin conditions by creating relaxing spaces and doing activities such as yoga and other light exercises.
  4. Smoking and cigarettes contain chemicals that stimulate the nervous system and ultimately increase the production of steroid hormones like cortisol. In addition to affecting your overall health, smoking can also compromise the health of your skin.
  5. Using sunscreen suitable for the skin can also be one of the easiest ways to prevent acne. Some sunscreens have a high percentage of fat. In addition, sun exposure to the skin can cause the production of fat and sebum in the skin. Of course, in the summer seasons, the intensity of sunlight and anti-inflammatory properties can lead to a reduction in inflammatory acne. It is recommended to use light sunscreens with a gel base and antiperspirants during this season.
  6. Wash your hair regularly, as one of the causes of acne is the presence of oil in the hair and its transfer to the skin.
  7. If you now know what causes facial acne, then you must have also realized the importance of keeping your skin surface and cosmetics clean.


After reading this article, you will definitely know a lot about the causes and treatment of acne. Based on these facts, you can provide your specialist with great help in treating this skin condition.

Acne treatment requires understanding the type, severity, and cause. Acne can take the form of blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, papules, pustules, and cysts, and depending on the severity and symptoms of acne, each of these can be treated through topical, systemic, or a combination of both. Acnemis is one of the most common treatments for mild to moderate acne, and can also be used alongside systemic treatments to treat moderate to severe acne.

What is acne? What causes facial acne?

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